Nov 21, 1918
Crossed Belgian border at 11am. Billeted in St. Marie. 20 kilo.
Nov 22, 1918
Hiked 20 kilo. Had chicken for supper.
Nov 23, 1918
Crossed Belgian - Luxembourg border at 10:30am. Hiked 22 k. Crossed at
Nov 24, 1918 (Sunday)
Heard Mass in Luxembourg church and it was said in German. Had breakfast
with George Faber (?). Resting. Cleaned up.
Nov 25, 1918
Cleaned up. Wrote to (cards) Mr Burlein, Baker, Helen, Mother, Aunt Mamie,
Sister, Mary, J Burlein.
Nov 26, 1918
Review by Major General Flager.
Nov 27, 1918
Wrote to Mother, Helen.
Nov 28, 1918
Thanksgiving. 2 pieces of bacon, 1 piece of bread, ½ cup of coffee. Mass
by Father Duffy, Father Hanley, a Lux priest. Very pretty. Ate dinner
with Mr & Mrs George Faber. Guard duty 6 - 9pm.
Nov 29, 1918
Drill 8 - 10am. Breakfast - 2 pieces of bread and molasses, coffee. Dinner
- red beans, beef, coffee. Break - potatoes, yam, coffee, dessert. Supper
- Beef heart, potatoes, coffee, bread, dessert. Filled up to the throat.
Nov 30, 1918
Inspection packs. Received letters from M Adams, Helen #1. Ate three meals
in my 2nd home.

Bridge at Liege,
blown up by the Belgians
to halt the German advance